Greetings. No sense in boring you with lengthy introductions, right? Let's go to the point.
I'm working on a simulation game called "Grow". In it, you assume the role of someone who has just received their license to legally grow marijuana and sell it to patients with a medical prescription. Success in the game is measured by several factors and ultimately it is up to the player to determine what they want to do and how they want to do it.
The design will be a simple, clean interface with icons, lists, and information-related displays. Plants are represented by staged pictures, depending on how big the plant is and how long it has been growing. Players decide what type of buckets to use, what medium to grow in, which nutrients to feed the planet, how many lights to use, and many other features.
Simulated factors include monthly expenses like electric bills, plant food, and rent. Players can buy and upgrade a number of different factors contributing to the success of growing marijuana. There are many different strains of the plant to discover and each strain will have variances in levels of THC, maximum size, ideal temperature and humidity, and so on. Players can clone plants to try and discover the ideal conditions to grow various strains.
I will add more details, screenshots, videos, etc as the project progresses. As of this post, the game is in very early alpha with only a couple of playable elements. When there is a stable version, I'll open it up for people to try and test. The intent is to release a free version and a paid version. The finished product will not have any DRM nor will there be any in-game purchase nonsense. "Grow" will be released for the PC desktop and web browser with a port likely to Mac and Linux desktops.
If it sounds interesting or you just like simulations, feel free to drop me a line with any suggestions or interest in this project.
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